Hulled Hemp Seeds for your Cooking Creations

The hulled sativa hemp seeds available on Cannabe are nutritional supplement with astonishing benefits.

Hulled Sativa Hemp Seeds

Hulled hemp seeds - also called hemp hearts or shelled hemp seeds - are obtained from Sativa hemp plants grown exclusively with organic methods. The seeds sold by authorized Cannabe retailers are selected manually, rinsed in water to remove impurities, cleaned and finally packed to be sold.

The hemp seed seeds available on the Cannabe website - in addition to containing many polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as Omega 3 and 6 - are also extremely rich in vitamin E and minerals essential for the well-being of the body, such as potassium, magnesium, iron, and are an important source of fiber and protein. Although seeds are obtained from naturally grown plants, they are considered to be a valid nutritional supplement.

One of the main nutritional properties of hemp seeds is the high content of gamma linolenic acid, a fatty acid essential to counteract - effectively and naturally - a wide range of disorders, such as muscle tightening, inflammation, fever and hormonal dysfunction. But there's more, because - according to recent studies - the regular consumption of hulled hemp seeds would also be useful to counter chest pains, diabetes, elevated blood pressure, but also multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis and skin allergies.

Hemp seeds can be used to enrich both savory and sweet dishes. A great and healthy breakfast habit? Add two tablespoons in a fruit smoothie or yogurt: this will reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), while increasing the good one (HDL) and lowering the triglyceride levels.

Features of hulled hemp seeds

  • High protein content (30%)
  • High Omega 3 content
  • Rich in iron
  • Rich in magnesium
  • High vitamine B1 (thiamine) content vitamina B1
  • Good source of potassium
  • Rich in fibre
  • Does not contain salt
  • Sugar-free
Origin Biologically Grown
Packaging 250gr
Nutritional Analysis Go to the datasheet

After opening, it is recommended to store the hulled hemp seeds in the fridge. Keep away from light and heat. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Check the analysis

  • 100% Legale
  • 100% Certificata
  • 0% Metalli Pesanti e pesticidi chimici
  • OGM Free
Infiorescenze di Cannabis Sativa L. per usi permessi di cui la legge 242/16 derivate da floricoltura ed iscritte nel catalogo comune delle varietà da agricoltura, per uso tecnico, ricerca e sviluppo o collezionismo e non destinate all'uso alimentare e farmaceutico. Prodotto non stupefacente, THC nei limiti di legge, vedi analisi.