Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp seed oil is a superfood, rich in Omega 3-6 and with a very large amount of other useful nutrients.

Hemp Seed Oil

CannaBe Hemp Seed Oil is made of seeds of Cannabis Sativa L. plants grown in Italy, which contain a great number of nutrients such as mineral salts, fatty acids, vitamins and amino acids.

Its main characteristic, however, is the high percentage of alpha-linolenic acid, better known as Omega 3, compared to the most common vegetable oils available on the market. This fatty acid is an essential element for our body, for this reason, you can often find it in dietary supplements. Hemp seed oil could be considered a valuable natural and plant substitute for Omega 3 supplements sold in stores. Hemp Seed Oil also contains a great amount of Omega 6. The ratio between Omega 3 and 6 present in this product is 1:3, for optimal absorption.

All of these properties make this product an excellent natural dietary supplement that can both prevent and treat certain diseases, such as inflammation, asthma, ... because it contributes to the well-being of the cardio-circulatory system and the nervous system.

Semi spremuti a freddo

This oil is a superfood and is obtained by cold mechanical pressing of selected hemp seeds. The seeds come from certified plants grown in a natural environment, without pesticides, fertilizers and chemical agents of any kind.

Recommendations for use 

One tablespoon a day equals the recommended daily requirement of essential fatty acids and Vitamin E. Suitable for vegetarian diets, gluten-free. It can also be applied to the skin as a moisturizing oil.

Packaging 250 ml
Nutritional analysis  Go to the datasheet
Dietary supplement rich in omega 3 and 6. Shake before use. Do not use in cooking or frying at high temperatures to avoid compromising its nutritional properties. Keep away from sunlight, heat and moisture. Keep refrigerated when open.

  • 100% Legale
  • 100% Certificata
  • 0% Metalli Pesanti e pesticidi chimici
  • OGM Free
Infiorescenze di Cannabis Sativa L. per usi permessi di cui la legge 242/16 derivate da floricoltura ed iscritte nel catalogo comune delle varietà da agricoltura, per uso tecnico, ricerca e sviluppo o collezionismo e non destinate all'uso alimentare e farmaceutico. Prodotto non stupefacente, THC nei limiti di legge, vedi analisi.

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